Can not update IPC module of mondeo mkv with update wizard

Resolving problems with software and hardware

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 06 авг 2014, 02:23

Can not update IPC module of mondeo mkv with update wizard

Сообщение mrpingu »

Here comes a problem when updating IPC of Mondeo MkV,
With successfully gathering info of modules, all available updates shown and intended to update IPC but failed with message: failed to load bootloader (something like this).
The UCDS software is up to date,
Need help from any of you for solution or comment.

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Зарегистрирован: 24 май 2013, 23:23
Откуда: The Netherlands

Re: Can not update IPC module of mondeo mkv with update wiza

Сообщение nielsicq »

Did you switch to MS-CAN? (v2 adapter)
Fiesta MK8 ST-Line

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Зарегистрирован: 26 мар 2016, 00:35

Re: Can not update IPC module of mondeo mkv with update wiza

Сообщение as2222us »

Dear all,

i observed the same problem that the IPC (High Level) of the Mondeo Mk5 can't be updated. The error message "Loading bootloader failed" occurs with and without selection of the "Switch to MM-CAN bus" box.
Error update wizard IPC high level.jpg
My next try was to use the VBF Loader to update the IPC using the information from the update wizard, but here i get the error message "Failed to receive the HW part number", again with and without selecting MM-CAN bus feature.

Any idea's how to solve the problem?!!


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Re: Can not update IPC module of mondeo mkv with update wiza

Сообщение kroligoff »

Good Day, We fix this problem, but update wizard on Mondeo 5 now in test status, Please be careful!
