Folding Mirrors on locking

Модератор: DanMc85

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Сообщения: 63
Зарегистрирован: 18 июн 2017, 17:26

Folding Mirrors on locking

Сообщение jimbojambojumbo »

Does anyone know whats involved in setting up auto folding door mirrors on locking with the key fob if the mirrors were factory fitted on a focus mk2? Im using a V3 adapter

in ucds additional function there is a tab for focus II mirrors but the writing in this tab is in russian can someone translate or explain if this will update the door module to allow folding on locking? I have translated one box to "For this operation 6 will be withdrawn one loan of the first level" so is that 6 level one tokens to do this operation?

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Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2013, 11:38

Re: Folding Mirrors on locking

Сообщение kroligoff »

For Mirror Focus 1, need One Credit LVL1

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 63
Зарегистрирован: 18 июн 2017, 17:26

Re: Folding Mirrors on locking

Сообщение jimbojambojumbo »

kroligoff писал(а):For Mirror Focus 1, need One Credit LVL1
thanks for reply :D
