learning procedure for replace the PAM

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 10
Зарегистрирован: 26 окт 2019, 17:35

learning procedure for replace the PAM

Сообщение Tino123 »

I need your help again. I have the Kuga 2 vFl 01/2016, 150PS ecoboost.

Where do I have to change everything when I replace the PAM? My car has automatic parking. With the FL there was other software in the PAM and the sensors are automatically activated when parking is slow and you can also park sideways. My old PAM can't do that yet. I have a PAM from a 2019 Kuga FL which also had automatic parking ex works. But I only get error messages and communication with Sync 3 and the sensors does not work. Does this have to be learned and does it work then? And what exactly has to be done? Does the UCDS have a learning procedure for this?

Сообщения: 345
Зарегистрирован: 30 янв 2013, 01:44
Откуда: Czech Republic

Re: learning procedure for replace the PAM

Сообщение zaqik »

use direct config - PAM - download asbuilt data from etis for your VIN

Сообщения: 10
Зарегистрирован: 26 окт 2019, 17:35

Re: learning procedure for replace the PAM

Сообщение Tino123 »

zaqik писал(а): 11 ноя 2020, 00:58 use direct config - PAM - download asbuilt data from etis for your VIN
and the as-build then works in the new PAM? The new PAM has many more values than the old PAM. What about the additional values in the new PAM that did not exist in the old module?

Сообщения: 10
Зарегистрирован: 26 окт 2019, 17:35

Re: learning procedure for replace the PAM

Сообщение Tino123 »

zaqik писал(а): 11 ноя 2020, 00:58 use direct config - PAM - download asbuilt data from etis for your VIN
I tried. The new PAM can be read out and individual settings changed, but importing the asbuilt from the download does not work. I only get 9 errors displayed for each block. 12 sensors are stored in the new PAM, so it doesn't work. If I change it to 8 or 10 sensors, the display works in sync without an error message, but the front sensors are automatically hidden. There are probably some settings in the new PA; for the Kuga 2 FL still different than in the Kuga vFL. Has anyone ever read a PAM from a Kuga 2 FL which was successfully trained in a Kuga 2 vFL? Can someone send me this file?
