Update PAM in Smax 2006

Resolving problems with software and hardware

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 47
Зарегистрирован: 31 янв 2015, 01:31

Update PAM in Smax 2006

Сообщение phoenix241 »


I would like update the pam firmware in one smax of the 2006-12.

I found information in the wiki, but i dont understand the procedure for make it.

Can anyone help me, with one screenshot, or with instruction step by step, please?

Thanks for all

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Re: Update PAM in Smax 2006

Сообщение leszcz33 »

TeamViwer and I show You :mrgreen:

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Re: Update PAM in Smax 2006

Сообщение zaqik »

use this file in update wizard:
1. select SMax till 2010
2. button "load from file"
3. button "next"
4. button "download from internet" (status: 3x ready)
5. start update
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Сообщения: 47
Зарегистрирован: 31 янв 2015, 01:31

Re: Update PAM in Smax 2006

Сообщение phoenix241 »

Ok, thanks Zaqik and leszcz33!!!
