Today I've downloaded the newest verssion ( and at the beginning I was trying to update ACM by update wizard in my Fiesta mk7 2015 year.
Unfortunately everything goes wrong and now I don't have ACM.
This is UUW before update
05062021120234_Unknown VIN.uuw
This is pool module after update
I did many tries with UCDS and even with FORscan with UCDS adapter.
I think that there is problem with drivers or this new firmware of the adapter which flashs when You install newest version of UCDS.
When I started to flash acm update, update wizzard gives me random errors like this:
At the beggining when You chose ACM to update and hit Next button then opens new window with checked "Switch to MM-CAN bus" which is incorrect.
Secondly Sometimes It stops at SBL loading after 7% or 80% and log looks like this:
00:00:00:934: Programming is started...
00:00:04:466: Programming mode OK!
00:00:05:476: Requesting security mode...Please wait...
00:00:05:489: Security mode granted!
00:00:05:543: Loading Secondary Bootloader...
00:00:14:067: Block #0 loading failed.
00:00:14:076: Failed to load SBL! Error: [0x00]
00:00:14:080: Loading bootloader failed...
but sometimes SBL is loaded sucessfully to 100% and It goes to the next step (F188) and in here again sometimes 2% and stops or 12% but no further.
Log looks like this:
00:00:01:308: Programming is started...
00:00:05:178: Programming mode OK!
00:00:06:182: Requesting security mode...Please wait...
00:00:06:196: Security mode granted!
00:00:06:256: Loading Secondary Bootloader...
00:00:28:341: Secondary Bootloader successfully loaded and initialized.
00:00:28:401: Erasing flash...
00:00:28:406: Erasing flash block 1 from 1 ...
00:00:28:921: Erasing flash finished.
00:00:28:979: Programming flash block 1 from 2 ...
00:00:45:857: Block #1 loading failed.
00:00:45:862: Failed to programming flash!
00:00:45:867: Programming failed...
When I use force programming this doesn't help.
When I use sleep all modules then It can't even start loading sbl.
I tried with VBF loader and still no luck.
After all fight with UCDS I tried with forscan 2.4.3 beta and UCDS adapter v3 and still same problems.
I tried with
SBL F1BT-14C047-AD and F1BT-14C047-AC
F188 F1BT-14C044-HN and F1BT-14C044-HC
F120 F1BT-14G316-AF and F1BT-14G316-AD
F121 F1BT-14G316-BE and F1BT-14G316-BC
Please HELP ME

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