PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 31 дек 2018, 18:13

PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение lamberps »


I posted this in the main forum but that may have been the wrong place.

I'm trying to turn off PDC (Pull Drift Control) but having issues.

When reading the PSCM module with security set to auto I get invalid key x35. If I set to no security I can read the module.

I can't write to the module with auto or no security, any ideas ?

Thanks !

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 21 фев 2018, 02:31

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Kalehof »

I use the following setting:
To read: extended diagnostic and w/o security
To write: extended diagnostic and programming level

This worked so far on every car I turned PDC of in the PCSM

Сообщения: 42
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2018, 23:39

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Benutzername »

On my car it doesn´t work.

Reading on "auto" give the same error as lamberpss.

Reading/Writing with
"To read: extended diagnostic and w/o security ..... To write: extended diagnostic and programming level "

Give´s no errors. But it didn´t change anything.

If I re-read the config it`s still enable

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 21 фев 2018, 02:31

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Kalehof »

Will check again end of the week, when I’m back home.
Sucsefully turnes it off on over 15cars so normally it should work. But let me check again

Сообщения: 42
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2018, 23:39

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Benutzername »

So, I tried it today again.

On my Car it doesn´t change the setting

Did it worked on your Car lamberps?

II use the following setting:
To read: extended diagnostic and w/o security
To write: extended diagnostic and programming level

And tried other settings, too...

Reseted the module afterwards or didn´t resest it...
It says changes written, but if i reload, their all the same and PDC is always enabled.

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 31 дек 2018, 18:13

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение lamberps »

Same here. UCDS says it successfully updated the module, but if you re-read the setting still says its enabled.

I've tried different combinations of security mode, etc. and tried module resets but nothing works.

Сообщения: 42
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2018, 23:39

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Benutzername »

Somebody wrote that You can disable pdc in asbuilt.

I'll search this, next time I have time to play.... :roll:

Сообщения: 42
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2018, 23:39

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Benutzername »

searched for PDC in the asbuilt, but didn't find it.

It would be real nice to disable the PDC for testing agein, but it seems, it doesn't work with UCDS :x

Сообщения: 122
Зарегистрирован: 04 ноя 2017, 08:10

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Artist »

Benutzername писал(а):On my car it doesn´t work.
Reading on "auto" give the same error as lamberpss.
Reading/Writing with
"To read: extended diagnostic and w/o security ..... To write: extended diagnostic and programming level "
Give´s no errors. But it didn´t change anything.
If I re-read the config it`s still enable

Try to check "M" Can write, it helped me with another problem ...

Сообщения: 42
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2018, 23:39

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Benutzername »

Today I tried again with MM-Can-Bus active.

It still doesn't work / change the settings.

I Think it's a bug in the UCDS Software

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 31 дек 2018, 18:13

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение lamberps »

Same here, I'd already tried with CAN-Bus enabled and it does nothing. Perhaps it's not supported but would be could to get a response from the UCDS team on this !

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Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение kroligoff »

Kalehof писал(а):I use the following setting:
To read: extended diagnostic and w/o security
To write: extended diagnostic and programming level

This worked so far on every car I turned PDC of in the PCSM
Its Correct!

Benutzername писал(а):Today I tried again with MM-Can-Bus active.

It still doesn't work / change the settings.

I Think it's a bug in the UCDS Software
Its not bug.
Any modules PSCM cant change this parameters. In next version i add EEPROM read/write for PSCM

Сообщения: 42
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2018, 23:39

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Benutzername »

kroligoff писал(а):
Its not bug.
Any modules PSCM cant change this parameters. In next version i add EEPROM read/write for PSCM

Thank for our quick answer.

Doyou know, when the next version will be released?

Сообщения: 42
Зарегистрирован: 30 ноя 2018, 23:39

Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение Benutzername »

So, when will the new version be availible?
Or is there another way to get the PDC dissable and enable?

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Re: PSCM Module (Focus 2017)

Сообщение kroligoff »

Problem already fixed, you can off
contact me over PM , i provide test version with update
